Le Sueur County Pioneer Power Band Organs

In 2000 and again in 2005, Pioneer Power hosted a Band Organ Rally. Members from the “Musical Box Society International” and the “Carousel Organ Association of America” brought many band organs to the Pioneer Power show held in August. Ralph and Carol Schultz of Belle Plaine, Mn. were the hosts for this event. Ralph continues to bring band organs to the show every year.

Ralph and Carol Schultz with some of their collection in their home.

Ralph and Carol Schultz with their Stinson organ which they play annually at the Pioneer Power Show.

Ralph Schultz with Bill Nunn who owns the Mortier organ and is shown annually at the Pioneer Power Show.

Terry and Joan Haughawout, President of the COAA, shown with their restored Bruder organ.

Cliff and Roberta Gray, with their fine Bruder organ.

Bernie and Norma Gaffron with their home built 105 Wurlitzer organ.

For more information on band organs you can contact:
Ralph Schultz, 420 West State St., Belle Plaine, Mn. 56011
Phone/Fax: 1-952-873-6704
Email: rjstmm@frontiernet.net

For more information of Band Organs go to the following web sites:
Music Box Society International: www.mbsi.org or,
Carousel Organ Association: www.carouselorganassociation.org