About Us
Le Sueur County Pioneer Power Association
In 1977, the LSCPPA was formed and became an educational non-profit and tax-exempt organization incorporated under federal and Minnesota State laws. All proceeds go directly to the club for improvements of the grounds. New buildings and attractions are added each year for you’re viewing pleasure. Without your support these projects would be impossible.
Over 500 members belong to LSCPPA and monthly meetings are held at the American Legion Hall in Le Center, MN. every 4th Thursday of the month. The board of directors is made up of 4 officers and 6 directors and meet one week before the monthly meeting.
Besides monthly meeting several fun-filled events are scheduled throughout the year for the members such as a club picnic in September, a Christmas party, and a banquet and dance in February.
Each year Pioneer Power makes a food donation to several area food shelves, and donates $1000 every year to the “DARE” program. An educational grant is given out each year to a deserving high school senior.
Along with the fun goes work, so starting May 1st and lasting through September, every Tuesday evening and every other Saturday are work night and days.
The two large fund raising events for the club are the SWAP MEET held the last weekend in April and of course the PIONEER POWER SHOW held the last weekend of August.
In 1974 Dave Preuhs held the first threshing bee on his farm with the help of friends, neighbors and relatives. It continued to be held on the Preuhs farm with the exception of 1975 when it was held on the neighboring Ed Reddemann farm.
From left to right: Wilfred Preuhs, Dale Madlo, Alvin Mueller, Kevin Studemann and Ken Preuhs (on wagon), Henry Horrisberger, Ed Reddemann, and Walt Horrisberger.
The show grew very fast and soon outgrew the Preuhs farm grove. The search began for a new show site. Neighbor Ervin Dahn was contacted as he had a beautiful wooded area that was close to the main county road and was surrounded by well-drained farmland.
The club first rented the land from Mr. Dahn and then he decided to sell the club the land. The club now owns 130 acres with 1979 being the first year for the show being on the present site.
Between then and now many thousands of hours of volunteered help have groomed the once cow pasture into a very beautiful and functional showgrounds for an event of this type. Thanks go out to the LSCPPA members, non-member exhibitors and attendees who make our show a success.