2015 Show Feature: John Deere
The weather cooperated for the 2015 show. A light rain shower Friday morning but otherwise cool and dry for the show. The auction on Fri. was very well attended with over 900 registered bidders and was the largest auction to date. Saturday was the largest one day attendance in our history.
This year was the 42nd annual show for Pioneer Power. Grand marshals were Bud Callahan and Mike and Charlene Boettcher.
An excellent variety of John Deere tractors, machinery, gas engines, snomobiles and anything John Deere was on exhibit and working in the fields. No less than 3 Waterloo Boy tractors were on display. The Feature Building was packed with John Deere early threshing machines, tractors, gas engines, literature, snomobiles, dealer memorabilia, machinery, etc. The John Deere Committee did an excellent job of rounding up any thing JD.
Also thanks again to the Wheel Horse Collectors for putting on a fine display of Wheel Horse garden tractors and attachments and welcome them back for 2016. Because of the Wheel Horse feature each year, many other brands of garden tractors are showing up.

North Central Wheel Horse Club