2014 Show Feature

The weather cooperated for the 2014 show. A light rain shower Sat. morning but otherwise warm and dry for the show. The auction on Fri. was very well attended with over 900 registered bidders and was the largest auction to date.

This year was the 41st annual show for Pioneer Power. Grand marshals were Nick and Mary Klaesuss and Tom and Loni Graham.

60’s and 70’s tractors were showcased this year as well as all years and brands of tractors. A lineup of tractors included a tractor in each decade from the teens to the 70’s.

Nearly 170 antique and classic snowmobiles were on display in the Feature Bldg. and Preuhs Bldg. This was the first time snowmobiles were featured and was a great addition to the show.

Also thanks again to the Wheel Horse Collectors for putting on a fine display of Wheel Horse garden tractors and attachments and welcome them back for 2015.

Vintage Snowmobile Expo

Classic Tractor Showcase

North Central Wheel Horse Club